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Messaging Through Challenging Times

In this challenging public health crisis, our community has been impacted in many unexpected ways. Nonprofit communications should be carefully considered to have the best results. Donors Want to Know Three Things: How has your organization been impacted? What you are...

Intern Spotlight – Elyse Bax

Meet Elyse Bax! Elyse is a graduating senior at Calvin University, receiving her Bachelor's degree in Organizational Communication next month. We are excited to share that Elyse recently began a career as a Special Events Coordinator at an area nonprofit!   Three...

Keep Calm, Keep Moving

As the world changes rapidly around us, we are reaching out today to provide another update and encourage you to keep moving forward. In our last communication, we likened this time to an uphill bike ride – it’s important to keep pedaling, even if at a slower pace! At...

A note about Coronavirus

We take the health and safety of our clients and the people they serve very seriously. As such, we are closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and taking necessary precautions. We are following the advice of the Kent County Health Department and the...

Roundtable Roundup: Monthly Giving

Monthly Donors, also called Recurring or Sustaining Donors, can be a significant source of income and a reliable source for ongoing funds.  Monthly giving is growing, both from traditional donors and especially from the younger generations of donors.  Why should you...

Roundtable Round Up: Thanking Your Donors

Plan your thank you like you plan your ask. As fundraising professionals, we all know that donors need a thank you when they make a gift.  But what we don’t always spend enough time on is how to make that thank you special to the donor.  At Kennari Consulting, we...

Roundtable Roundup: Storytelling

What’s your story? Or rather – what’s your organization’s story? Are you utilizing storytelling in your fundraising? If not, you’re missing an opportunity to help donors get closer to your organization and the people or causes you serve. Here are a few simple...

Intern Spotlight – Jared Schmatz

Meet Jared Schmatz! Jared is a Junior at Cornerstone University and is studying Business Management. He is looking forward to applying what he learned at Kennari to other student organizations he is involved with at Cornerstone. 5 Lessons I Learned From My Summer...