Key Take Aways: 2016 Burk Donor Survey

The seventh annual 2016 Burk Donor Survey, studying American’s philanthropy and how fundraising practices affect non profit organizations, provided a few key take away points for Kennari Consulting. In 2015, donors responded most often — 44% of the time...

Planned Gifts Increase Annual Gifts, Study Finds

In a recent study, Dr. Russell James debunks the myth that Planned Giving erodes annual fund giving. In fact, the exact opposite is true. Pentera’s Planned Giving blog, PGBuzz, provides a nice overview of the findings: Planned gifts, rather than cannibalizing annual...

Leveraging Your Marketing Dollars: Part 3

This is part 3 of 3 from our April Roundtable: Leveraging Your Marketing Dollars to Increase Fundraising Success Decorating The Outside: Building a Cohesive Brand Identity What is a brand? It’s not just your logo, tagline, or a particular graphic. These items are all...

e-Newsletters: Best Practices and What to Avoid

Donor communications should be intentional. They should validate the donor’s decision to contribute and build inclination for future gifts by demonstrating mission achievement. eNewsletters are a great way to communicate to your donors because they are low cost and...