
Ongoing grant support and special project assistance

KConnect is a cross-sector network of public, private, and independent organizations. KConnect aims to facilitate and advance a common agenda to ensure all children in Kent County have a clear path to economic prosperity through quality education, family, and community support.

KConnect entered into a grants contract in 2019. Kennari’s grant support has been primarily focused on philanthropic support from local funders who have committed to supporting KConnect operations. We have also worked toward diversifying grant sources and secured a Michigan Health Endowment Fund grant in 2020 for their Doulas of Color pilot project. KConnect also entered into a special projects contract to participate in community discussions around housing stability and write a Common Agenda and Road Map, the final deliverable of the process. Beginning in January 2021, a large focus of grant writing became securing funding to launch a new nonprofit organization, Housing Kent, a “backbone entity” for the county’s collective impact network focused on housing. By early 2022 approximately $1.8 million in funding had been secured.

“As a solely grant-funded organization, it’s vital that KConnect has a strong partnership with a consultant that excels at their work. We have been continually impressed with Kennari Consulting and its ability to concisely make a case for complex topics like systems change. Kennari’s consistent communication and attention to detail make them an invaluable partner in our work.” – Salvador Lopez, President, KConnect